Price: $15,000
Limited to 1 exclusive sponsor!
- Two foursomes
- Special recognition at Awards Luncheon
- One-time complimentary show attendance physical mailing list rental
- Upgrade to existing exhibitor listing
- Thank you ad on digital screens in show concourses
- 100 sf complimentary space at PACK EXPO East 2024
- Company representative to participate in awards ceremony
- Full page thank you ad in the Packaging World’s September issue, Packaging World’s PACK EXPO Las Vegas SHOWCASE and the Show Daily *
* Artwork needed by August 6.
NOTE: All sponsors receive, as part of their sponsor package, the following benefits:
- Thank you ad in Packaging World’s PACK EXPO Las Vegas SHOWCASE, and Packaging World’s September issue, both of which are distributed at the show.
- Thank you ad in the SHOW DAILY, distributed at the show
- Thank you ad on digital screens in show concourses
- Company name and logo on tournament promotion material
- Company mentioned in tournament press release
- Company name and logo on sponsors’ banner hung at course and at PELV
- Recognition at Awards Lunch
- Company logo on foundation website
- Thank you recognition on foundation social media